Korta frågor till Daniel Black

How did you end up here?

– Elia invited me two years ago. We met in my Church back home, developed a friendship and I agreed on coming to Sweden. So here I am.


What is your message?

– I feel that God is bringing awakening and revival to Europe. I really want to see that stirred in the hearts of people here in Sweden. My message is about developing a culture of love.


Why is developing a culture of love so important?

– Because without love we will not see worldwide transformation, without love we will not see revival and without love we will not see God.


What was the best thing that happened during the conference? What moved you?

– The passion and the hungry hearts of the people here really moved me. There was a couple of times in worship where freedom broke out amongst the people, they were dancing, shouting and celebrating. I loved that. There was also a moment when this lady came up to me, crying, saying that she wanted to know Papa’s love for her. I found that touching! I prayed for her and she experienced it, then she prayed for me and I encountered God through her. People are so hungry. Saturday night it was really hard for me to leave because there were people surrounding me asking me questions about how to make this practical and real in our lives. That moved me.

What is God saying about Sweden?

– Can I ask him? Haha. Every time I come to Sweden people have such tender and joyful hearts, and I feel God wanting to cultivate that. And he is speaking his love over all the people!


Describe your idea of the perfect breakfast.

I would have some scrambled eggs with vegetables in it and cheese on top. I would also have freshly squeezed orange juice from Israel, because they have the best oranges. And I would have bacon. American bacon. Lots of it!


Text & Foto: Katarina Hedman